If you change your mind, all items can be returned within 30 days, starting from the day after you receive your order. Please notify us for a seamless return process via email at support@myjdmworld.com.

We only accept returns for customer remorse on the following conditions:

For items with a manufacturer seal, the manufacturer seal must be unopened
The item must be in its original packaging with all original accessories
To return the product, you must contact us first, Don’t send items back without contacting us first.

Return policy on damaged, wrong, or dysfunctional products

If you find products in your order damaged, wrong or dysfunctional, please contact us directly by email at support@myjdmworld.com.

In the aforementioned case, you will have 30 days to return these products and get a refund or replacement. This period starts from the day after you receive your order. This also includes items that become faulty within 30 days of receiving the order.

You will not be charged for return shipping as the shipping costs will be returned.

Restocking Fee

There is no restocking fee for returned orders.


Contact us via email at support@myjdmworld.com, and state the reason for your return,

Pack the item neatly carefully and send the item.

Canceling an order

You have 24 hours before the item(s) have been shipped to cancel your order.

In case your order has already been shipped, kindly follow the return policies stated above that correspond to your reason of return.

Lost shipments

If at least 2 days have elapsed since the expected delivery date, please contact our customer service via email at support@myjdmworld.com and allow us at least 5 days to investigate the item(s) whereabouts with the courier service. If we cannot track your shipment after the 5-day investigation, the shipment will be declared lost, and you will be entitled to a full refund, or we will send a replacement if you choose so.

Refund process

The refund will be initiated once your product is received back in our warehouse and inspected by our team. Once approved, the refund takes 5-10 business days to process. Refunds will be made in the original method of payment.

Contact Us

Email us: support@myjdmworld.com